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5 Tips to Boost Your Company’s Audience Engagement

Audience engagement isn’t always as easy as posting the latest meme to your social page. To truly generate the results you’re looking for, you’ll need to approach your engagement strategy with a plan.

For example, simply posting a video to your Facebook page could result in 135% greater reach than a text or image post?

Here are 5 tips for improving audience engagement that you can use to fuel your strategy.

1. Show Off your personality to up audience engagement

Audiences don’t care for faceless brands anymore. Instead, they prefer companies who come across as warm, friendly, and witty.

Brand personality humanizes a company and makes them easier to identify and connect with.

If you haven’t already come up with a branding strategy, now is the perfect time to do so. Pick a few traits that you think represent your brand, then think about ways in which you can express those via your company’s voice.

Your team should serve as brand ambassadors who keep that voice consistent across any and all channels.

2. Invest in Content

The saying is true, “content is king.” Content marketing is the most effective way to show off your brand’s personality, generate traffic, and get your audience engaged and talking about your business.

However, ‘content’ is a vague term, so we don’t blame you if you’re not sure where to begin.

It all depends on where you’re posting.

Images and video tend to generate the most buzz on social media, while blog posts on your website are a fantastic way to establish trust, brand authority, and improve your SEO.

3. Get Your Audience Involved

All too often, marketing is mistaken for a passive endeavor. Don’t fall into this old pitfall — modern marketing is anything but passive.

Some of the hottest brands get clicks by directly involving their audience. Research even shows that when you get your audience involved, they’re more likely to take an interest in your product or service.

Your call to action is the best way to encourage involvement. End each post by encouraging a specific action. The most common CTA involves getting in touch with your business.

Don’t feel limited, though. Ask for audience involvement by requesting feedback, asking your audience to submit content, encouraging comments, or anything else that requires them to take action.

4. Reply to Comments

Generating comments on your content can be a challenge. It’s even tougher if your audience feels as though you don’t care about what they’re saying.

As often as you can, reply to comments, whether they’re positive or negative. Doing so lets your audience know you’re listening.

5. Post at the Right Time

You have great content and you’re excited for the world to see it. Now, all that’s left to do is load it into your content management system and hit publish, right?

That’s an option. But if you’re publishing at an off-hour, you won’t receive the engagement you’re hoping for.

Instead, check your analytics before posting. What times generate the most engagement? Follow your data and you can’t go wrong.

If you don’t have any data yet, a good rule of thumb is to post during business hours. Arrange for posts to go live around mid-morning and just after lunch, as audiences tend to be the most alert and productive during these periods.

Boost Your Company’s Audience Engagement With These Tips

Before we go, we should note that audience engagement involves a fair bit of trial and error. Not everything will work on the first try. It’s worth keeping a content calendar and trying out different types of content on a consistent basis to see which types of content yield the most audience engagement.

That’s okay!

Stay patient and learn from your data. You’ll boost your audience engagement in no time!

Want to get eyes on your business? Contact us today to find out how we can help!